Commercial Properties

7 Station Approach West Byfleet, Surrey, KT14 6NG
11 New Commercial Spaces Built with Community in Mind
Use: A1, A2, A3, B1, D1, D2
  • 15009.43 ft2
  • (1397.20 m2)
Rent: Upon Application
To Let


Unit 12779.26258.20
Unit 22441.28226.80
Unit 3506.9847.10
Unit 41951.51181.30
Unit 51669.64157.90
Unit 6781.4772.60
Unit 7780.4072.50
Unit 8785.7673.00
Unit 9938.6187.20
Unit 101122.68104.30
Unit 111251.84116.30

Use Class

A1, A2, A3, B1, D1, D2

Important Notice

These particulars do not form part of any offer or contract and should not be relied upon as statements or representatives of fact. Forty Group have no authority to make or give in writing or verbally any representation or warranties in relation to the property. Any areas of measurements or distances are approximate. The text, photographs and plans are for guidance only and are not necessarily comprehensive. No assumptions should be made that the property has all necessary planning, building regulation or other consents.  Forty Group have not carried out a survey, nor tested the services, appliances or facilities. Purchasers must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise. In the interest of Health & Safety, please ensure that you take due care when inspecting the property.  Forty Group is a limited company registered in England & Wales (company number 4856507) and the registered address is Regency House, 61a Walton Street, Walton on the Hill, Surrey KT20 7RZ.